Here are some ALisp code examples:
Data types (with quote apostrophe where necessary to prevent evaluation):
Pair: '(1 . 2) List: '(1 2 3) == (1 . (2 . (3 . ()))) Improper list: '(1 2 . 3) == (1 . (2 . 3)) Vector: #(1 2 3) String: "1 2 3" Symbol: 'FrontierSpace Integer: 1 Float: .3
Basic functional programming:
(+ 1 2 3) == 6 (* (+ 2 4) 3) == 18 (let ((x 1) (y 2)) (list x y)) == (1 2) (define f (lambda (x) (* x x x))) == f (f 3) == 27 (define g (lambda (&rest args) (length args))) == g (g 1 2 3) == 3 (member 2 '(1 2 3)) == (2 3)
Recursive programming:
(define fact (lambda (x) (cond ((<= x 1) 1) (#t (* x (fact (- x 1))))))) == fact (fact 4) == 24
(define ifelse (macro test tcode &opt fcode) `(cond (,test ,tcode) (#t ,fcode)))) == ifelse (define value #f) == value (ifelse #t (set value "True") (set value "False")) == value value == "True" (define when (macro (test &rest body) `(cond (,test ,@body))) == when (when #t (set value "Unknown") (set value "Done")) == value value == "Done"
Lexical closures:
(let ((x 0)) (define inc (lambda () (set x (+ x 1)) x)) (define rst (lambda () (set x 0) x))) == rst (inc) == 1 (inc) == 2 (rst) == 0 (inc) == 1 x == Exception: Undefined symbol
The map operator:
(map length '(() #(1 2) (3 4 5))) == (0 2 3) (map (lambda (x) (apply + x)) '(() (2 3) (5 7 9))) == (0 5 21)
The compiler:
(define f-interpreted (lambda (x) (* x x))) == f-interpreted f-interpreted == #<closure (x)> (define f (compile f-interpreted)) == f f == #<compiled-closure anonymous (1)> (define f (compile f-interpreted 'f)) == f f == #<compiled-closure f (1)> (format "~I" (disassemble f)) == "((create-frame 1) (load-argument 0) (save-to-frame 0) (create-argument-vector 2) (load-from-frame 0) (save-to-argument-vector 0) (load-from-frame 0) (save-to-argument-vector 1) (load-object #<procedure * (...)>) (apply) (free-argument-vector))" (define g-interpreted (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (+ x y)))) == g-interpreted (g-interpreted 0) == #<closure (y)> (define g (compile g-interpreted 'g)) == g (g 0) == #<compiled-closure anonymous (1)>