Table of Contents

Built-In ALisp Operators

Boolean Operators

Operator Function
not returns the boolean opposite of its one argument
! Alias for not
equal? returns wether or not its arguments are all equal
= alias for equal?
!= equal of applying the not operator to equal?
> returns whether its arguments are in strictly descending order
>= returns whether its arguments are in descending order
< returns whether its arguments are in strictly ascending order
returns whether its arguments are in ascending order
and returns whether all of its arguments are true
or returns whether any one of its arguments is true
xor returns whether exactly one of its arguments is true

The values #f and () are both false, while all other ALisp objects are true.

The operators and, or, and xor only evaluate enough arguments (from left to right) to determine their result.

Miscellaneous Operators

List Operators

Associative List Operators

Vector Operators

Math Operators

Example Uses of Built-In Operators