====== CobraMUSH MUSHCron ====== [[:About | CobraMUSH]] utilizes [[people:grapenut:Jeremy Ritter]]'s MUSHCron system using a @cron command which simulates a [[wp>Unix]] [[:Crontab]] in much similarity. @CRON Syntaxes: @cron @cron/add[/] = / @cron/set =[!] @cron/list [] @cron/delete Synposis: Manages the ingame MUSHCron system. In order to use this command you must possess the 'Cron' Power. This command alone with no switches will display all the @cron specs you control. @cron/add creates or alters the job named . The given specified whether the attribute holds functions or commands. If is "global" then the cronjob will execute the job on all objects the 'executor' that adds the cronjob controls. @cron/set sets or unsets a flag on . Valid flags are: COMMAND FUNCTION (not enabled as of this writing) HALT A cronjob may only be of the 'COMMAND' type as now for executing, functions are disabled. If the Halt status is set on a @cron job then the job will not be processed. @cron/list will show information about the cronjobs. If you specify you will see more information about the cronspec for that job. @cron/delete will remove from the crontab. 2 Default global cronjobs are included, being an 'Hourly' and a 'Daily' Daily spec triggering the 'Daily' attribute at the beginning of each day and the Hourly spec triggering the 'Hourly' Attribute at the beginning of each Hour. A cronspec describes at which time a cronjob will be executed. The fields of a valid cronspec are as follows: 0-59 0-23 0-30 0-11 0-6 Jan-Dec Sun-Mon Each field may contain a range of numbers, e.g. 2-5, or a * to indicate 0 through the maximum for that field. A skip value can be used to select values from a range. It is specified as /, e.g. 0-23/2 would execute at 0, 2, 4, etc. until 22. You can specify a list of values in each field, seperated with a comma. e.g. 0,2,4,6,10-14,20-30/5. For the months and days of the week you may specify the english names or 3 letter abbreviations. January and Sunday are 0. |* * * * * | Every minute of every day| |30 * * * * | Run every half hour.| |*/30 * * * * | Run every 30 minutes.| |15 6,18 * * * | 6:15 am and pm| |20 4 20 April * | Do something once a year| |*/2 * * * * | Do it every 2 minutes| Examples: @cron/add/command global_trigger_monday=0 0 * * Monday global/TRG_MONDAY