A complete economy for Frontier Space has never been completely designed. However a few basic concepts exist with in [[About | FrontierSpace ]] for the possible integration with an economy system. This wiki file will basically describe Yesterday's Voyage current implementation of an economy interface. ====== Commodity Object ====== The commodity object, defined in mush.cnf. Is the basic definition file of commodities within FrontierSpace. Commodities are defined as follows. - &VALID_COMMODS attribute. List in the order of : - &VALID_COMMODS CommodObj = : 1:Fuel 2:Rice 3:Duranium 4:Tritanium 5:Dilithium 6:Water 7:Antimatter 8:Deuterium 9:Gold 10:Steel - &INF_ - &INF_1 CommodObj = 0 2.0 1.0 liters liter 1 0.001 ====== Fuel ====== Currently fuel is the only commodity actual used in any means what so ever in the FrontierSpace simulation.